Sunday, October 17, 2010

Santa Cruz

So i made the trip across the Atlantic in one piece, but wow that flight from Joburg to Washington is freakin long!!! 18 hrs, 1 flight should not be allowed! Met up with Shaun Joubert and Brendon Gibbens at San Fransisco airport, I'm traveling with Shaun for this trip, Brendon just grabbed a ride with us to Santa Cruz. Been here now for 2 days, had a couple fun surfs, witnessed a very long winded shouting match between two locals at Steamer lane, no fists thrown, but what a vibe killer, so lame! SO the event starts tomorrow, 6* Prime, the O'neill Coldwater Classic. There is a fairly promising forecast for swell, from thursday looks like we should be in for some waves, lets hope. WIll be good to hang with a few of the other Saffa boys this next week as this is my last official event before I retire from professional competition. Looking forward to some new chapters ahead but for now, I'm here and looking forward to competing at Steamers!

Just to let you know, this joint is filled with so many nut jobs, crazy spot this! Definitely a different place. Anyways, will keep an update going from this event, adios from Cali...


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