Yip, big day yesterday, my second daughter came into the world at 13:02 , weighing in at 2.9 kgs. What an emotional experience! Absolutely beautiful, she might have more of the mom in her than me, but she has my nose, that's for sure! Unfortunately, she's had to be admitted to ICU as her lungs have fluid on them and aren't fully developed yet but we are praying she has a fast recovery and is 100% in no time. Heavy times though, to see something so small and having to be on tubes and connected to monitors, pretty heavy stuff, but we are staying positive and are confident she will be better soon.
Went and got my daughter's name tattooed yesterday about 4 hrs after she was born, pretty damn proud to have each of my daughters names on my arms!!!!
Heard I've missed waves the last two days at the piers but I don't care, seeing your child being born is better than any barrel can feel!